Joe Collins' 2022 Schedule
< 2021 Schedule
January 2022
January 15
Virtual Workshop
Topic: "Driving Your Dulcimer Like You Mean It!"

3:00 pm EST
January 25
Virtual Workshop
Topic: "Movie Night: "My Heart Will Go On"

7-9 pm EST
February 2022
February 3-6
Quarantune 6.0. A Virtual Festival that features 50+ instructors and a very wide range of topics. I'll be teaching classes for levels 1-5, so sign up! For more information, go to
February 8
Musical Program
First Baptist Church
Kings Mtn, NC
12 p.m. EST
February 12
Virtual Showroom w/ New Harmony Dulcimers
We will be showing off some new dulcimers, featuring some great players, having a sale, and giving away a brand new New Harmony dulcimer!
5 - 7 pm EST

February 19
Concert - Joe Collins and Friends
Mike McGee (guitar) and Nancy Galambush (cello) will join Joe in a live perfomance followed by a jam.
The Earl Scruggs Center
Shelby, NC
3 pm EST
February 23 Virtual Workshop sponsored by the Sunshine Dulcimers in Texas
Topic: Multi-Part Arrangements for the Mtn Dulcimer - "The Heart Will Go On" and "Be Thou My Vision"
10 am CST
March 2022
March 13
Virtual Workshop
Topic: Slow Irish Waltzes - Expanded (a 2-hr repertoire wkshp for upper novice to advanced players)
For more information, click HERE.
1 pm EST

March 30 Virtual Workshop
Topic: Church-Worthy Ensembles: "Shall We Gather at the River" (a 75-90 minute wkshp for novice to advanced players)
For more information, click HERE.
11 am EST
April 2022

May 1-7
49th Annual Souther Appalachian Dulcimer Association Festival
One of the oldest, if not the oldest dulcimer festival in the country. A lot of jamming, free performances, open-stage opportunities, free classes and a paid class or two. A lot of outdoor activities. Joe will be performing, teaching and vending Thursday through Saturday. Come for a part or all of it! Should be a lot of fun.
For more information click HERE.
Tannehill State Park
McCalla, AL
June 2022
June 2-5
Quarantune 7.0. A Virtual Festival that features a lot of great instructors and a very wide range of topics. Watch for updates at Online
June 12-18
Steve Kauffman Acoustic Kamp.
One of the premier acoustic instrument camps in the country featurng world renowned musicians. It's an honor to be a part of this camp again this year. This year, there will be two different dulcimer classes, so we'll be able to focus more on appropriate level skill development. I'll be teaching the intermediate to advanced class. For updates and more information CLICK HERE.
Maryville College
Maryville, TN
June 19-24
Kentucky Music Week
For the last two years, KMW was cancelled due to COVID related obstacle. Keep up with the status of this great, huge dulcimer heaven. CLICK HERE

Bardstown, KY
July 2022
August 2022
August 7
Roanoke, VA
August 8
Sponsored by the Roanoke Valley Dulcimers
Roanoke, VA
August 10
Workshops & Concert
Bangor, PA
August 12-14 August Dulcimer Daze
2014 was the last time I was able to participate in this wonderful festival led by George Haggerty. I am look forward to being there again. Watch for new information as it gets posted at
Mountaineer Inn
West Dover, VT
August 15
Workshops & Concert
Dubois, PA
September 2022
September 10
A whole day of workshops followed by a concert in a quaint historical setting. Worth the trip! For more information, CLICK HERE.
Boones Creek, TN
September 22
Workshops & Concert
Guntersville, AL
September 24
Workshops & Concert
Sponsored by the Lagniappe Dulcimer Club
Baton Rouge, LA
September 29
Simply Celtic, Vol 2 Play Through
October 2022
October 6-9
Quarantune 8.0
A Virtual Festival that features a lot of great instructors and a very wide range of topics. Watch for updates at
October 15-19
Black Mountain Dulcimer Festival
Joe will be at the festival as a vendor and hymn sing leader.
Black Mountain, NC
October 20
Pudge Night
New Harmony Dulcimers will give away a new Pudge Pro and demonstrate its line of 24" VSL dulcimers.
November 2022
November 17-19
North Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Fall Festival
An online festival featuring hundreds of workshops.
December 2022
December 3
Virtual Workshop: "I'll Be Home for Christmas"
A virtual workshop on playing the 1943 Christmas classic with a harmony part and an accompaniment track.
December 13
Christmas Play Through